Wrong Person….Right Number


So I was making a sales call the other day to an individual who filled out one of our online forms interested in some more information about ProspectMX.  I called the number and a guy answered and I asked for the person that was on the form and he proceeded to explain there is nobody here by that name. Then I asked if this was so and so business and he said no and then I obviously read back the number on the form and he said that is my number, actually my cell number. At that point there was no more need for pointless questions and my sales mind simply overlooked wrong guy right number and proceeded to the obvious next question. However, before a hint of air could pass through my lips the guy on the other end asked “So, what is it that you do?” I kindly went into detail about our services and that lead into a 20 minute pitch which proceeded into a scheduled appointment for next week.

Now one obvious conclusion is that this person is actually the person that did indeed fill out our form and is caught up in it so much at this point, there is no turning back. Whatever the case, I want to thank either my new prospect or Mr. Smith for filling out our form and putting in this other persons phone number. And Mr. Smith please call me anytime with your needs and feel free to leave a wrong name with the right phone number.