Any website can add revenue to your bottom line, if it’s done correctly.

Your website should be more than just an online business card for your company - it should be an interactive sales tool that allows you to engage visitors and generate business and revenue for your company.

The basic steps to turning your website into a revenue generator are:

  1. Include calls to action, lead generation tools or the ability to purchase products right online on your website.  Your lead gen tools should offer something interesting to the visitor in exchange for their contact information such as a free quote, consultation or informational package.
  2. Optimize your website code and copy around the keywords people are searching for that indicate they’re in need of your product or service.
  3. Build links using those keywords as anchor text to increase rankings and drive relevant traffic to your site.
  4. Use social media marketing to find other people in need of your product and service and drive them to your site.
  5. Make sure you have tracking analytics installed on your site to track the effectiveness of your efforts and to find what works and what might not work.

That, in a very simple nutshell, is how you can turn your website into a revenue generator.

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