15 Hilariously Failed Marketing Campaigns



In this day and age, someone is always trying to sell you something.  Look around yourself right now; it’s incredibly unlikely there is not an advertisement within arm’s reach. In such a crowded market, it’s no wonder advertisers have tended toward bolder messages and devices in an attempt to break through the average American’s consumption haze.  Then there are those who see “bold” and think “license to be offensive, patronizing, and hopelessly insane”.


Internet Privacy Infographic

It’s amazing who’s watching you…

Infographic byWordStream Internet Marketing


How Google Works Infographic

PPCBlog.com came out with this awesome infographic that breaks down how Google works… very cool.

How Google Works.

Infographic by the Pay Per Click Blog


Space Launch Leads To Life Changing Event For Matt Cutts

So… we did it!

Matt Cutts has officially been launched into space in his rocket, Spam Blaster!  We don’t want to fill this space with a whole lot of words.  We just want to thank those who came up with names for the rocket and those who voted!  What did we learn from this experience?  Well, Matt… you may be incredible at fighting spam… but as you will see, you may want to keep your day job.  ;)

Oh, Adam and Joe… Your hard work and long hours were both AMAZING. Thank you!


Matt Cutts In Space Promo Video

You’ve asked for more information and we’re here to give it to you.

When we announced that we were going to launch Matt Cutts into space and asked for your ideas on what we should name the rocket we received many emails asking for specifics on what we were going to do.  So, we had our video pro Adam Perry create this demo video that explains it all a bit further.  It’s well worth the watch… check it out.

Be a part of the experience and share this on your site! We’ve already put together the code for you:

Vote Now For What The Matt Cutts Rocket Should Be Named!

What should the Matt Cutts Rocket be named?

  • Spam Blaster (36%, 16 Votes)
  • The Mocket Cutter (18%, 8 Votes)
  • Black Hat Express (18%, 8 Votes)
  • Spam Cannon (14%, 6 Votes)
  • SPAMTRON5000 (14%, 6 Votes)

Total Voters: 44

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